In Kaduna State, tragedy struck as six students from Government Secondary School, Fadan Chawai, lost their lives while attempting to cross a river after their Junior...
As the Eid-el-Kabir celebration by Muslim faithful inches closer, the prices of animals used for sacrifice during the annual festival have skyrocketed in the major markets...
The police command in Kaduna State said Its operatives have arrested a suspected kidnapper who allegedly abducted his cousin and killed her after she recognised him....
Kaduna State governor, Uba Sani, has announced plans to relocate 359 schools from security high-risk areas to safer communities within the state. The chief of state...
The Kaduna Internal Revenue Service on Wednesday sealed the United Bank for Africa branches in the state metropolis over alleged N14.3 million unpaid tax. Speaking to journalists...
The son to the immediate ex-governor of kaduna state, Bashir Nasir El-rufai has decided to take the bull by its horn when he publicly slammed his...
Abducted 287 kaduna students regain freedom. This is contained in a press release by Kaduna State Government on Sunday 24th March 2024 titled “Kaduna School Children...
The Northern Governors’ Forum has gone into a closed-door meeting with the national security adviser and service chiefs investigating. The meeting, held in the Office of...
No fewer than 232 students and teachers have been reportedly kidnapped by gunmen suspected to be terrorists, locally dubbed as bandits in Kuriga village, Chikun Local...
The Police Service Commission has scheduled the Computer Based Test (CBT) for successful candidates of the police recruitment process on Tuesday, March 5th, 2024. The recruitment...