Meta, the owners of Whatsapp, the leading messaging platform in Nigeria, may soon suspend its services in the country. This potential move follows the imposition of...
The Kano State police command has arrested 13 individuals accused of vandalizing vehicles at the premises of the Kano High Court. This action follows a series...
In Yola, the capital of Adamawa State, hundreds of protesters gathered early Thursday morning at Police Roundabout and Mubi Roundabout to express their dissatisfaction with...
Hamas chief, Ismail Haniyeh killed in Iran – Militant group Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was assassinated in the early hours of the morning in Iran, the...
Adamawa Safe for Business: Governor Fintiri Woos Investors Adamawa State Governor, Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, has reassured investors that the state is peaceful and open for business....
BREAKING: Police Foil Bomb Attack In Lagos Less than 24 to the planned nationwide protests against hardship in the country slated for Thursday, August 1, the...
Nigerian music legend Onyeka Onwenu, known as the “Elegant Stallion,” has passed away at the age of 72. Onwenu reportedly collapsed after performing at the 80th...
In a tragic incident that underscores the dangers faced by journalists in conflict zones, Al Jazeera Arabic journalist Ismail al-Ghoul and his cameraman Rami al-Refee have...
A 23-year-old woman, Rahimat Salaum, has allegedly killed her husband, Shehu, during a fight in the Federal Capital Territory. Reports has it that Ramatu was planning...
Alhassan Doguwa, chairman of the House Committee on Petroleum Resources (Downstream), has reiterated his call on Nigerians to shun the planned protest over the present challenges...